A white background with a few lines on it



The logo for the jcba might be right for you if

You’re in, or work closely with, the building industry.

You want to develop strong industry connections. 

You want to be a part of an organization that speaks for your business with local government officials.

 You want to be part of an organization that maintains high professional standards among its members.

You want to be a part of a strong organizational network that promotes business between members.

The word benefits of membership is on a white background

Who joins? Professionals involved in home building, remodeling, multifamily construction, property management, subcontracting, real estate needs, housing finance, building product manufacturing, wholesaling and distribution, and other aspects of residential and light commercial construction.

The builders association provides city and county representation to monitor and review codes, ordinances and legislation that directly impact the home building industry. Together we formulate and advocate for needed change. Your membership puts you in a unique position to learn, network, and improve your bottom line when you put your membership to work. Not only does it create a more favorable environment for your business, it educates members and consumers alike about current issues, regulatory and administrative matters.

Membership makes your voice a powerful instrument of change at the local organization the strength in numbers to defeat excessive regulations and needless red tape and defend affordable housing initiatives-on in your home town and in the communities where you do business

Political Influence

Home building associations nationwide form a network with the political experience and influence to forge pro-housing initiatives.


Share time and ideas with peers to help members find proven solutions and make valuable business contacts.


Stay in compliance and up to date.


Recognition and association articles highlight your accomplishments and keep you motivated.


Our Preferred Vendor Program (PVP) adds value to members by providing them with access to special offers on products or services.


Monthly events, Quarterly luncheons with well known speakers, and Community & Charity events

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